Thursday, 8 March 2012

Be Prepared

This is about being prepared to fight in the war between good and evil. Choose your side and stand armed.

This is wat it feels like to be untitled 
Not restricted by words to define myself 
Appreciating my freedom and not afraid to use it 
I have the freedom to write what I feel without having to apologize just to make you smile 
Truth is what I speak 
I don’t mind being un-norm 
All I need is this mic to be heard 
I don’t mind being misunderstood 
I jus need to be felt 
So as long as you get the message that means you have felt 
Me and wat I mean to say 
I don’t need a script for this 
Reality this is 
Taking one day at a time 
One step at a time 
One breath at a time 
One bite at a time 

Even in this cold 
World that spins 365 times 
I choose to survive 
Because above I will rise... 
They say the sky's the limit 
But what if I don't need a limit 
My destination is HEAVEN 
So shouldn't that be my limit 
I refuse to inhibit 
My potential shall be explored just like an exhibit 
I will sing a song and dance along 
In celebration of tomorrow 
The world of tomorrow… 
How I long for tomorrow 
How I long for the days when there is peace in this world 
Through this spoken word 
That’s a cause 

A moment of silence for all those that won't be there tomorrow 
Fight we shall in their honor and on their behalf for tomorrow 
When tomorrow does come we will be prepard 
No more excuses of ignorance and illiteracy 
No more pain jus to gain our hearts desires 
They shall be served to us on a silver platter 
As the promises of tomorrow are fulfilled 
And the truth of tomorrow is revealed 
And tomorrow this world be destroyed….. 
But the Question is…. 


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